
What is Liposuction? | Who Performs Liposuction & Where is Liposuction Performed? | How can I find the right doctor for me? | When is Liposuction not for me? | What are the Alternatives to Liposuction? | Risks | Complications | Expect Before | Expect During | Expect After | Will I look the way I want after liposuction? | Know what makes you a poor candidate for liposuction | Know all the risks and procedure limitations | Understand all the answers to your questions about liposuction | Glossary



Know all the risks and procedure limitations

  • Risks - Do you understand that complications could happen to you and that some of the complications from liposuction can be serious and even occasionally fatal?
  • Liposuction outcomes - Do you understand that although many people will be satisfied with the outcome after liposuction, that some people will not have the outcome that they wished for?

What is Liposuction? | Who Performs Liposuction & Where is Liposuction Performed? | How can I find the right doctor for me? | When is Liposuction not for me? | What are the Alternatives to Liposuction? | Risks | Complications | Expect Before | Expect During | Expect After | Will I look the way I want after liposuction? | Know what makes you a poor candidate for liposuction | Know all the risks and procedure limitations | Understand all the answers to your questions about liposuction | Glossary

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