
What is Liposuction? | Who Performs Liposuction & Where is Liposuction Performed? | How can I find the right doctor for me? | When is Liposuction not for me? | What are the Alternatives to Liposuction? | Risks | Complications | Expect Before | Expect During | Expect After | Will I look the way I want after liposuction? | Know what makes you a poor candidate for liposuction | Know all the risks and procedure limitations | Understand all the answers to your questions about liposuction | Glossary



What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure intended to remove fat deposits and shape the body. Fat is removed from under the skin with the use of a vacuum-suction canula (a hollow pen-like instrument) or using an ultrasonic probe that emulfsies (breaks up into small pieces) the fat and then removes it with suction.

Persons with localized fat may decide to have liposuction to remove fat from that area. Liposuction is a procedure for shaping the body and is not recommended for weight loss.

Liposuction may be performed on the abdomen, hips, thighs, calves, arms, buttocks, back, neck, or face. A liposuction procedure may include more than one site, for instance, the abdomen, back, and thighs all on the same day.

Liposuction is also used to reduce breast size in men with large breasts (gynecomastia) or to remove fat tumors (lipomas) but it is most commonly used for cosmetic body shaping.


What is Liposuction? | Who Performs Liposuction & Where is Liposuction Performed? | How can I find the right doctor for me? | When is Liposuction not for me? | What are the Alternatives to Liposuction? | Risks | Complications | Expect Before | Expect During | Expect After | Will I look the way I want after liposuction? | Know what makes you a poor candidate for liposuction | Know all the risks and procedure limitations | Understand all the answers to your questions about liposuction | Glossary

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